Lead Manager Tracker

Contact/Lead Managment System

Lead Manager Tracker is a Powerful PHP Web Application to manage the history of your leads, contacts or accounts.

Standalone program to keep track of all your leads, contacts and accounts.


Although compatibile with most operating systems, we cannot guarantee that this software will run in every environment or together with any other application, without producing errors. Any liability for damage of any sort is hereby denied. You are solely responsible for your files, server and data

Please test/evaluate this software with non-critical data before use.

Designed & developed by IGN Pros, Inc.

This software uses open-source plugins such as bootstrap.

Copyright © Ignite Pros, Inc. 2020 All right reserved.

Main Features:


Main Dashboard Screen Explained:

1. - Shows User Login Events and recents changes to accounts

2. - Displays login user first and last name

3. - Searches entire database for accounts by name or id

4. - Shows stats of accounts and last account edited; so you can quickly get back to your edited or added account

5. - Displays all accounts in a table format

6. - Two reports show account reminders and account activities

7. - User can see their logs and update information/password

8. - Admin backend can view/add/edit users, logs and panel settings

9. - User Logout

10. - Total Active accounts

11. - Total Other/contact accounts

12. - Total Account reminders

13. - Total user activity for the last 7 days

14. - Table Graphs shows how many accounts were created each month

15. - Pie Graph shows how many active/contact/disabled accounts

16. - Shows last 5 accounts created by logged in user

17. - Shows last 5 accounts edited by logged in user




The installation of Lead Manager Tracker is very simple:

- Make sure you have a minimum of PHP 5.6 + Apache2.4 on you server

- Copy all files to your server using any FTP client (ie: filezilla, cuteftp)

- Login to PHPMyAdmin and create a database. You can name it anything you want

- Point your browser to the lead manager folder  (example: http://yourwebsite.com/leadmanager)

- You should be redirected to your install.php (example: http://yourwebsite.com/leadmanager/install.php) then follow the step to install Lead Tracker Manager

- Sign in as (username:  admin  password:  admin)

- Change admin password by clicking on my profile

- Create one or more user accounts

- Then from Admin Setting select "Create User"


Additional Notes:

- Becareful when deleting accounts/leads; as history will also be deleted for that account/lead and cannot be recovered.

NOTE: You may need to logout/login for some changes to take effect


You can set all configuration options by editing the core/config.php file.

All configuration options begin with comment explanation so read them carefully before changing them. 


Lead Tracker Manager is tested and compatibile with:




Server Versions


Operating Systems

(Tested on x86 and x64 platforms)


Why would a registered new users have trouble logging in ?

Admin must edit user in Admin Setting, and set to "Active" and save user.

Why would you be having issues with uploading files ?

Please check read/write permissions on folder "FileAttachments" located in uploads_md5


How can you add more account type's from the drop down ?

This is controlled under the admin section called "Account Status Types"

New features/fixes for Program ?

Please contact us to discuss new features as well as any bugs you might find.

Version upgrades are free. Please contact us if you need help installing.

Version 1.0.6 - 5 May 20

Version 1.0.5 - 28 February 18

Version 1.0.4 - 16 July 16

Version 1.0.3 - 13 December 15

Version 1.0.2 - 2 December 15

Version 1.0.1 - 30 November 15

Version 1.0.0 - 27 November 15


Thank you so much to:

Aylee for logo/image design



Thanks to open-source guys at:

bootstrap and jquery